FCE Speaking Part One Questions

Compare your questions with the list of typical FCE Speaking Part One questions below

  • Do you know any other foreign languages? 
  • What languages did you study at school? (Was that a good choice?) 
  • What do you enjoy most about learning another language? 
  • Do you plan to learn another language in the future? 
  • Which other languages do you think will be most useful for you to learn? 

  • What was your favourite subject when you were in primary school? 
  • Are you studying anything at the moment? 
  • Do you find it easy to study where you live? (Why? /Why not?) 
  • Is there something new you’d really like to learn about? (Why?) 
  • Would you like to study full time? 

  • Do you have a large family? 
  • How many brothers and sisters do you have?/ Do you have any brothers and sisters? 
  • What do the other members of your family do? 
  • Would you like to have a large family? (Why/ Why not?) 
  • Which member of your family are you closest to? 
  • Do you take after your mother or your father? 
  • Did you get on with your brothers and sisters when you were young? 

  • How much time do you spend at home? (What do you enjoy doing there?) 
  • What kind of work do the majority of people in your town do? 
  • Where are you from?/ Where do you come from? (Is it a good place to live?) 
  • Did you have to travel far to get here today? 
  • Do you live near here? 
  • Were you born in (Tokyo)?/ Are you from Tokyo? 
  • Would you like to live in your hometown when you retire? 
  • Tell us something about the area where you live. 
  • How would you describe your local area? 
  • Do you live in a house or a flat? 
  • Do you live with your parents? 
  • What is there to do for entertainment in the evenings in your town? 
  • What type of work do people do in your area? 
  • What is there for young people to do in your area? 
  • Tell us something about the place where you are living at the moment. 
  • What type of house would you like to live in, in the future? 
  • Where do you live? (Can you tell us what it is like? Would you like to live anywhere else?) 

Free time
  • Do you have any hobbies? (How did you first become interested in that/ those things?) 
  • What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 
  • Has your choice of free time activities changed over the years? 
  • What do you enjoy doing at weekends? 
  • What did you do last weekend? 
  • What are your hobbies or interests? 
  • Do you prefer to spend time on your own or with other people? 
  • Do you like going to parties? (Tell us about a good party you’ve been to.) 
  • Who do you spend your free time with? (What sort of things do you do?) 
  • Does anyone you know have an interesting hobby? (What does he/she do?) 
  • Have you got any plans for this weekend? (What are you going to do?) 

  • Are you working, or are you still a student? 
  • Do you have any ambitions? 
  • What would be your perfect job? 
  • Do you work or do you study? 
  • Can you tell us something about the place where you work or study? 
  • What type of work would you like to do in the future? 
  • What qualifications do you think you’ll need in the future? 
  • What job do you hope to do in the future? 
  • Are you happier doing mental or physical work? (Why?) 
  • Do you prefer working on your own or with other people? (Why?)